

Measured in terms of the high number of members and its contemporary publicity the Centralverein (Central Association of German Citizens of Jewish Faith, abbreviated: C.V.)  is marginalized in (Jewish) historiography and in the historical research on the fight against anti-Semitism. In recent years research on the C.V. have increased and several current projects have been started. One could characterize the present years as a peak level of research on the Centralverein. This development was caused by the discovery of large parts of the archives of the Centralverein of the interwar period. The discovery was made in the beginning of the 1990s in the holdings of the so called "Moskauer Sonderarchiv".

The just outlined  'research wave' should be utilized to encourage researchers all around the world to communicate with each other by means of the network Centralverein.net.  As well this boom should be used to make research on the topic more visible. Scientific projects on and interests in the Centralverein should be concentrated. Via Centralverein.net a contact point for people who are interested in the history of the Centralverein and/or doing research on this German-Jewish organization is created. It is the intention of the network to virtually connect an interdisciplinary group of interested people and to literally make a platform available.

The members of Centralverein.net are represented on the internet-platform with their short profiles (membership: scientifically interested / Wissenschaftlich Interessierte) respectively with short information (membership: personally interested / Persönlich Interessierte). Consequently the current state of research on the C.V. is pooled and is publicly presented. As further resources a world-wide list of archives and a constantly growing  bibliography are contained.

The online-network Centralverein.net went online: 1st July 2017.